Robusteli Engraving Line for Rotary Screen and Flat Screen
Make Robusteli Stork, Year: 1998–2001, Repeat size 64–81,9–91,4, Working width 3 m
Consisting of:
Unpacker Robustelli
Coating machine including coating accessories for all above 3 repeats for single and double squeegee application, make Robustelli
Dryer oven for low temperature 50 deg C, Robusteli
Polymerizing machine, Robustelli
Gluing machine for endrings Robustelli
Conditioning machine Robustelli (air con)
Exposer engraver working width 2,6m (film exposer) Robustelli
Wax engraving machine make STORK type Max 4103-256 nozzles, Year 2001, Wax masking – exposer. New spraying head and wax melting box
Screen washing machine ww 2,6m, Robustelli
8 Light tables for film matching
Make Robusteli, Year: 1998, width 2,6m
Consisting of:
Stretching / flat bed machine length 6m, width 2,6, Make Robustelli
Manual coater
Box dryer inner dimensions 2,7 m x 240 depth, 3 layers, electrically heated, make Robusteli
Exposer Robustelli usefull dimensions: 2,4 x 1,9 m
Exposer MNM usefull dimensions 1 x 1,4 m