Karl Mayer Slasher Dye Denim Range & Karl Mayer Direct Warping Machine
Quantity: 1
Year: 2011
Ben Direct-1400-1800
1800 MM warping width
1400 MM flange diameter
With Inline Creel
360 live ends
Electric stop motion
(48) Aluminum Beams, 1800 MM x 1400 MM
Karl Mayer Slasher Dye Range
Quantity: 1
Year: 2011
Model IOM-S-1-2-6-3
Comprised of:
Beam Creel
3 Preparation Boxes
6 Indigo Dye Boxes
3 Wash / Rinse Boxes,
1 Double Dip Size Box with
2.6 meter wide Beaming Headway
In detail as follow:
A. (1) 3-ton electric overhead crane, 50’ long, with a 20’ span
B. (2) 14-Beam Creels, 54” x 72” beams with braking system
C. 2-meter tension device
D. Pretreatment Stainless Steel Wash Box, 2 meters wide, type D100, with a nip stand, rubber/rubber, 5-ton pressure
E. Accumulator, with 4 top expander rolls, 5 bottom rolls
F. Wash Neutralization Stainless Steel Wash Box, 2 meters wide, type D240, with a nip stand, rubber/rubber, 5-ton pressure, expander roll
G. Wash Chemical Neutralization Stainless Steel Wash Box, 2 meters wide, type D240, with a nip stand, rubber/rubber, 5-ton pressure, expander roll
H. Indigo Sulfur Oxidation Stainless Steel Wash Box, 2 meters wide, type D400, with a nip stand, rubber/rubber, 5-ton pressure
I. Accumulator, with 7 top rolls, 8 bottom rolls
J. Stainless Steel Wash Box, 2 meters wide, type D240, with a nip stand, rubber/rubber, 5-ton pressure
K. Accumulator, with 7 top rolls, 8 bottom rolls
L. Stainless Steel Wash Box, 2 meters wide, type D440, with a nip stand, rubber/rubber, 5-ton pressure
M. Accumulator with 7 top and 8 bottom rolls
N. Stainless Steel Wash Box, 2 meters wide, type D440, with a nip stand, rubber/rubber, 5-ton pressure
O. Accumulator with 7 top and 8 bottom rolls
P. Stainless Steel Wash Box, 2 meters wide, type D440, with a nip stand, rubber/rubber, 5-ton pressure"
Q. Accumulator with 7 top and 8 bottom rolls
R. Stainless Steel Wash Box, 2 meters wide, type D490, with a nip stand, rubber/rubber, 5-ton pressure"
S. Accumulator with 7 top and 8 bottom rolls
T. Stainless Steel Wash Box, 2 meters wide, type D600, with a nip stand, rubber/rubber, 5-ton pressure
U. (6) Pre-dryer Cans
V. Stainless Steel Wash Box, 2 meters wide, type D620, with a nip stand, rubber/rubber, 5-ton pressure
W. Stainless Steel Wash Box, 2 meters wide, type D640, with a nip stand, rubber/rubber, 5-ton pressure
X. (1) Karl Mayer Double Dip, Double Nip Size Box, 2 meters wide
Y. (11) Horizontal Dry Cans, 78” x 30” diameter, steam heated
Z. Accumulator, with 22 top rolls, 23 bottom rolls
10’ Section of Burst Rod to separate the ends of the warp yarn
Slasher Headway, Size-O-Matic, type BME-2600/1100, 118” delivery roll, will take a 43” diameter loom beam, takes the dyed yarn onto loom beams
Slasher Control Panel
(1) 2,000 Liter Stainless Steel Single Wall Vertical Tank, Flat Top, Dished Bottom, 1’’ Center Bottom Outlet
(1) 1,000 Liter Stainless Steel Single Wall Vertical Tank, Flat Top, Dished Bottom, 1’’ Center Bottom Outlet
(1) 1,200 Liter Stainless Steel Jacketed Vertical Mix Tank, Flat Top, Sloped Bottom, 1-1/2’’ Side Bottom Outlet with Top Mounted Agitator
(1) 1,500 Liter Stainless Steel Jacketed Vertical Mix Tank, Flat Top, Sloped Bottom, 1-1/2’’ Side Bottom Outlet with Top Mounted Agitator"
10 ft. x 60 ft. Stainless Steel Work Platform with Stairs