Dornier AWS-4/S-D-350 Air Jet Weaving Looms
Quantity: 4https://royalwesta.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=209511&action=edit#edit_timestamp
Year: 2014
working width 3500mm
4 weft colours (servo controlled)
Electronic STAUBLI dobby type S3060 e3 year of construction 2017
16 levers installed. Equipment : direct drive motor
left and right warp let off motor for twin beams
take up motor, bobbin creel, feeder support
4 Feeders ROJ SUPER ELF X3 with balloon breaker and PFL, Touchscreen A1
14 heald frames in type GROZ BECKERT ALTOP140 13” C
warp detection GROB with 6 detection bars, Dynamic Warp Guide tension system
electrical waste cutters RHS + LHS
2 pressure rolls, waste system with dustbin
RHS & LHS twin warp tubes “heavy” type Ø 270mm with central and side flanges type SCHOLZE “Q3” Ø 1000mm, air reed, healds and droppers as on the looms mounted, 2 steps, cloth roll driving system, cloth roller, Airmaster.